We believe the Church was meant to be a redemptive agency. NB happens to be a place where men are confronted with God's word in love; a place where Christ is lifted up as Savior and Lord. It is a fellowship in which saints can develop their relationship with Christ, be forgiven and be empowered by God's Spirit to influence others to accept Christ.
Our church vision is to "Expand the Kingdom of God for the Glory of God". The mission is to seek, serve and sway.
Seek God through personal devotion, corporate worship and discipleship.
Serve Others to impact our family, church, community and the world.
Sway our world by engaging our circles with the Gospel.
Let us love Christ and share His love with those around us.
2025 Calendar
2nd - 4th Year Pastoral Anniversary
9th - Daylight Savings Time
Dr. R.B. Harris Scholarship Promotion Month
13th - Palm Sunday
18th - Good Friday
20th - Easter
11th - Mother's Day
15th - Father's Day
10th - 89th Year Church Anniversary
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Pastor Appreciation Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
2nd - Daylight Saving Ends
9th - Veteran's Day Recognition
11th - Veteran's Day
27th - Thanksgiving Day
21st - Christmas Program
25th - Christmas Day
12th - Family & Friends Day
20th - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Heart Awareness Month
6th - Lady Catina Walker's Birthday
9th - Red Attire for Heart Awareness
16th - Black History Program
24th - Pastor Frederick B. Walker's Birthday
New Bethel M.B. Church - 101 James Avenue | Canton, MS 39046